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Advanced Diploma

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In this constantly changing world charities, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises face considerable challenges: the necessity to adjust to the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in society and the world, the importance of finding new reliable partners and raising funds, managing work in an effective and sustainable way, plus the need to attract and retain volunteers. Economic, political and environmental issues affect each of us greatly, that is why it is so important to deliver an interconnected, systemic response to these challenges and to provide a framework for working with them.

This 18-month programme develops and professionally accredits social change managers to lead and facilitate deep transformation across systems, connecting individuals, teams, communities and organisations from different sectors in repurposing themselves to be fit for the future.

This is your greatest personal and your organisation’s opportunity to build the capacity of leaders, to re-imagine and prepare for a different stakeholder-driven and digitally enabled future. 

Benefits of joining the diploma:

  • Transform your own agency, inspiration and presence as a powerful influencer of change, through deep "vertical development"
  • Understand how to connect and work effectively across your whole ecosystem, becoming more aware of the bigger picture and how to navigate gridlocks and boundaries successfully, enabling successful empowerment and engagement
  • Learn practical tools for design thinking,"intra-preneurship", succession planning and developing future scenarios with better stakeholder engagement strategies
  • Explore the emerging world and start to re-imagine what's possible, prototyping new value propositions and systemic interventions which enable change at scale
  • Learn how to design a systemic intervention in your organisation, or with your clients, and lead change
  • Qualify as a professional change coach, with internationally recognised qualification.

The Advanced Diploma in Systemic Transformation of Organisations will mean you:

  • Become part of a learning cohort who are passionate about using systemic approaches to make a difference
  • Learn the principles of emergent working and being within a living system
  • Become familiar with the core models and tools of systemic thinking and analysis
  • Develop your ability to deeply analyse situations through practice and experimentation
  • Learn and experience how to work with the energy of systems, including resistance, tensions and belief systems
  • Develop your ability to tune into systems and sense what is happening
  • Understand how to work with power and purpose
STO Programme Diagram (2)

Participant Testimonials

John Hannigan CEO Circle Voluntary Housing Association
Paul Mitchell Banks GM at First Nations


"What attracted me to the Diploma were the people. I was immediately fascinated by how they thought, how they looked at the world and how they conducted themselves. I am extremely happy with the instructors; it is very much a collegial approach, and they emphasise that they are constantly learning as we are. I would highly encourage people to consider this programme."

Paul Mitchell-Banks, GM at First Nations Joint Venture Eshknam and Bare Trust, Canada


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Who is this for?

Who leads change in an organisation is not just about job-title, it is about cultivating a mindset and skillset in a number of people and functions.  Today's change environment is context and stakeholder-driven, involving substantial connective work across functions to build thinking, competencies and redefine the internal landscape to be more responsive to our changing world. Opportunities for success lie in the relationships between people, teams, and functions within organisations, between organisations and industry sectors, as well as regions, tribes, communities, and even nations.

Therefore, we recommend this course for:

  • Charities trustees and non-executive directors, who define the general strategy for the organisation’s development and seek to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the impact their organisation delivers
  • Leadership teams in social and charitable enterprises who need to shift to a more systemic way of thinking, engaging and strategising in order to increase their capability, confidence and impact when managing their teams, involving and retaining volunteers
  • Innovators and progressive operators - those who want to be better influencers and engagers of others in change
  • Project managers working across-functions with process transformation seeking to influence others – both within and outside your organisation
  • Fundraisers, PR and government relations managers aimed at providing a rationale for potential sponsors, investors, funders, developing strong social connections and building long-term partnerships with the private sector and public regulatory structures
  • Internal advisors on regulatory and HR/social related issues for both charitable organisations and social enterprises
  • Social entrepreneurs who are committed to ESG compliance and see it as an opportunity to improve their business and make a valuable social impact.

Your pathway to becoming an accredited systemic transformation coach:

The Quest - Accredited Certificate: Professional accreditation as a Systemic Analyst through application and accessing on systemic learning in real world situations.

The Expedition - Advanced Diploma:  Professional accreditation as a Systemic Transformation Practitioner through application of your learning in real world situations.


The Quest

Leading Systemic Analysis in your Organisation
Accredited Certificate for charities and social enterprises

Starts 24 April 2024

Usual price -
£4,500 (or euro equivalent)

Price for NFP and social enterprises -

Two or more people from one organisation -
£3,800 (per each)

Early-bird discount (upfront payment before 1 March 2024) -

Two or more people from one organisation with early-bird discount -
£3,800 (per person)

Instalments per module x 3 -
£1,400 (per module)

Subscription over 6 months -
£700 (per month)



The Expedition

 Leading Systemic Transformation in your Organisation 
Advanced Diploma for charities and social enterprises

Starts 24 April 2024

Usual price -
£11,750 (or euro equivalent)

Price for NFP and social enterprises -

Two or more people from one organisation -
£8,990 (per each)

Early-bird discount (upfront payment before 1 March 2024) -

Two or more people from one organisation with early-bird discount -
£8,490 (per person)

Instalments per module x 4 -
£2,550 (per module)

Subscription over 24 months -
£450 (per month)



What's in the package?

In addition to core learning modules, benefit from:

  • 17.5 workshop days timetabled to fit in with working life and integration of learning.
  • 10 hrs of 1-1 coaching to develop your professional practice and application.
  • Be part of a supportive and energising cohort of learners across organisations types.
  • Detailed leadership and team assessment tools to evidence your style and impact.
  • Multiply the social ROI - scale the impact of your learning by transferring and embedding your learning within your teams and organisation.
  • Measure the impact of change using the Xenergie social energy score, with detailed recommendations for improvement, aligning with ESG reporting requirements.
  • Support for business case development for social innovation ideas resulting from this programme.
  • Access to an international peer community of systemic practitioners.